Kimba The white lion
Kimba the White Lion (Japanese: ジャングル大帝/Janguru Taitei "Jungle Emperor") is a Japanese animated series from the 1960s, created by Osamu Tezuka, based on his manga of the same title which started in 1950. It was the first color TV animation series created in Japan. The entire series of manga was first published in serialized form in Manga Shonen maganize. This anime series has enjoyed immense popularity worldwide--most notably in Australia, the United States, Europe and even in Middle East especially among Arab viewers-- from the middle 1960s to the present time.
Dr. Osamu Tezuka dies at age 60 on February 9th. A new version of Jungle Emperor is made and shown in Japan. This series is nothing like either the original manga nor the first TV series.
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